The Eden Church is made up of people who give their energy, time and money to support the work and ministry of this church. Giving of our time and resources is a part of our worship.
How can I give financially?
Giving by standing order is ideal if you are paid regularly into your bank account. A standing order is a fixed amount paid directly from your account to the church account each week or month and can be stopped or amended at any time. Giving this way is the most helpful as it helps us to budget effectively and claim gift aid more easily (see below for gift aid). Please contact the finance team for the bank details: financeteam@theeden.church
Gift aid
If you are a taxpayer, please complete a gift aid form (these are available at the back of the church or from the finance team). This will enable the church to reclaim income tax from HMRC: for every £1 you give, we can reclaim 25p from the government. Please complete a form and either email it to the finance team or hand it to the finance team on a Sunday morning!
Online giving
We can receive funds from other organisations such as Charities Trust, Charitable Giving and Stewardship [we also have this QR code which will take you to our Stewardship giving account 20110909].